Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We're not in Kansas anymore Bella

So we spent Saturday night in Fruitland, Idaho at the RV camp that seemed to be mostly permanent residents and had semi clean self contained bathrooms. But they had WiFi so that's all that matters. *I* drove through Boise on Sunday and it turned into a shopping day. And we also realized that the way we travel had changed too. We now travel by "The World According to Google".

We are using the iPhone as our replacement for printed maps. We want cheap gas for the big pig RV gas eating machine so, onto the iPhone Map application and search for "CostCo Boise ID" and there it is, just off the highway. Then hit the "Directions" button and from "Current Location" to "CostCo Boise ID" and we have step by step directions on how to get there. Then, onto Starbucks for more espresso pods, breakfast sandwiches, and coffee time (Bella really likes coffee time now since she gets to share Greg's foam). Slight glitch when we look for a nearby grocery store to shop at, (we find Winco, a popular local chain), and end up at their corporate head quarters in the industrial section a few blocks away. But you know what they say about computers, "garbage in, garbage out". Google maps then directs us to Albertsons in great detail and we're in food city. But all the way through we have a detailed street map of exactly where we are. And the whole process works in every city we've been in. Way more cool and way more efficient than that outdated printed map routine. (which assumes you were efficient enough to have picked them up ahead of time in the first place!)

It didn't leave much time for driving and we wanted to see something interesting so we picked a place outside of Twin Falls which is near Snake River - apparently a tourist attraction like a mini Grand Canyon. The park turned out to be right next to the freeway and the sites didn't have WiFi but we're intrepid campers and we persevered. There was a nice grass area for Bella to collect sticks in, and she saw her first squirrel which was amusing for all of us. No internet so we watched a movie on the laptop for entertainment - our version of roughing it :-)

The internet has even changed RV camping.

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